Category: New School Year

  • 2019-20 Curriculum Shakeup, Part 1

    Priority #1: Culture of TL in the Classroom Confession Time: The biggest regret that I have as a teacher is how much L1 gets used in the classroom. I can do a great job of talking to the students in the TL during a story or an activity, but I can’t seem to get them…

  • On My Own, But Not Alone

    On My Own, But Not Alone

    One and a half weeks down The year has started and is in full swing. I am teaching all the kiddos again, K-8, and I have a homeroom this year, too. Seventh graders. They are goofy, loud, smart, boisterous, outgoing, friendly, and all the other things that 12-13 year olds can be (also moody, emotional,…

  • …And We’re Back

    Summer has been a great time for rest and reflection. As much as I could, I tried to unplug from the things that were stressing me out from the year and turn my school brain off as much as possible. I had trouble with turning it off all the way, but overall, I have been able to…

  • Summer Planning and Getting Back in the Game

    An unexpected hiatus Burned out, Over it, Exhausted, Fried, Run down These are all phrases I can use to describe the last 2.5 months of school. I was ready to be done with the year in April, which is bad, because the year was over on June 1. I didn’t blog because all I had were negative things…

  • Getting students comfortable with #tl90plus

    In my last post, I mentioned that I had used my first story of the year to explain why I wouldn’t be speaking any English in the classroom. I have updated the stories section with that story, so you can read it for yourself and check it out. I used a lot of pantomime and…

  • Back to School…

    Back to School…

    First Days of School I have been back to work since the 12th, but I’ve only seen the kids for 5 days’ worth of classes, so it’s like it’s been a full week. I’ve been spending my time getting back into the swing of teaching after being home with my 2 sons for the whole summer.…

  • Being Completely Unprepared–and Totally Ready–for the New School Year

    Readiness and preparedness are usually thought of as synonyms. They both mean that a person has the things necessary to complete a task or perform an action. And they are definitely synonymous in some aspects, but there is a definite difference: I am Unprepared for the year, meaning that I haven’t done much to prepare…